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Our Priorities

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) brings together the best thinking and resources from the public and private sectors to steward and advance the goals and objectives of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (National Strategy)—the road map for a comprehensive approach to preventing suicide.

In its role as steward for the National Strategy, the Action Alliance is responsible for setting a shared vision and approach for identifying and coordinating opportunities to build, scale, and strengthen the national response to suicide.

Learn more about our Strategic Plan.


Messaging and Communications

Develop, disseminate, and align the field around research-informed messages to spur change.


Action Alliance Priority: Messaging and Communications 

Learn more about our Messaging & Communications Advisory Group.

By sharing consistent messaging and framing, the Action Alliance works to amplify efforts in a uniform way to drive change more quickly. Messaging does matter. Certain types of public messaging about suicide can increase risk among vulnerable individuals. Conversely, communications can be a powerful tool to promote hope and resiliency, encourage help-seeking, publicize prevention successes, and encourage actions that help prevent suicide. To be effective, suicide-related messages should support safety, help-seeking, and healing.

To promote safe and effective messaging about suicide, the Action Alliance will continue to work with the following three key groups:

  • News media
  • Entertainment media
  • Public messengers

Watch this video for more information.

Additionally, how the field talks about different suicide prevention efforts can help to improve clarity, understanding, and alignment in mission and vision across organizations and for decision-makers. The Action Alliance will work with subject matter experts to develop consistent definitions and translate research into clear statements for the field in the following areas:

  • Upstream prevention
  • Lethal means safety

Continue to check back for more information on how the Action Alliance will develop, disseminate, and align the field around research-informed messages to spur change through our Messaging and Communications Strategic Priority.

About Action Alliance

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) is the public-private partnership charged with championing suicide prevention as a national priority. The Action Alliance has the unique ability to engage and unify passionate organizations and leaders in all sectors to collaborate toward a national and comprehensive approach to suicide prevention.

Learn more about Our Strategy.

National Action Alliance
for Suicide Prevention

300 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2010
Waltham, MA 02451