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Our Strategy

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention is a nonpartisan, independent, public-private national partnership for suicide prevention. The Action Alliance brings together the best thinking and resources from the public and private sectors to steward and advance the goals and objectives of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (National Strategy) – the road map for a comprehensive approach to preventing suicide.​

In its role as steward for the National Strategy, the Action Alliance is responsible for setting a shared vision and approach for identifying and coordinating opportunities to build, scale, and strengthen the national response to suicide.

Our Strategic Plan 

  • Outlines focus areas and functions for the Action Alliance with the goal of advancing high-priority objectives of the National Strategy that have the commitment and buy-in from Executive Committee partners and their organizations to advance in a meaningful way.​​ 
  • Provide our focus and direction for the next three years (2024–2027) through its five Strategic Priorities. 
  • The Strategic Plan is not a list of all the work currently happening across member organizations, but rather the priority work that we commit to do and advance together. 
  • Activate high-priority areas of the 2024 National Strategy that leverage Executive Committee members’ personal, professional, and organizational and sector strengths. ​  

Strategic Priorities 

These five Strategic Priorities will direct our focus over the next three years: 

  • Data surveillance, analytics, and research: Promote improvements in surveillance and research and ensure future Action Alliance initiatives are grounded in science 
  • Progress and accountability: Develop and launch a framework for tracking progress on National Strategy and Action Alliance accountability measures​ 
  • Crisis care continuum: Bolster momentum for improvements in response to behavioral health crises in and beyond the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline system 
  • Health care transformation: Advance focused, effective solutions that scale within and across health systems 
  • Messaging and communications: Develop, disseminate, and align the field around research-informed messages to spur change 

Central Principles

The following principles are foundational to the Action Alliance’s impactful work and will be applied throughout implementation of the Strategic Plan. 

  • Strengthening accountability ​ 
  • Aligning messaging 
  • Convening collaborative partners​ 
  • Exploring shared policy solutions 
  • Standing for equity 
  • Tracking progress 
National Action Alliance
for Suicide Prevention

300 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2010
Waltham, MA 02451