Messaging Work Group
The Action Alliance's Messaging Work Group (MWG) brings together influential communication leads from our national partners to develop coordinated and consistent messages about suicide prevention. The group is dedicated to ensuring that the suicide prevention field's messages:
- Are developed and delivered in a coordinated, consistent, and timely way
- Help promote hope and help-seeking (and are aligned with the Framework for Successful Messaging)
- Educate the public about available services, resources, and supports
The Action Alliance convenes the MWG as needed to respond to data releases, new research, and other events that would benefit from a coordinated response.

Past joint statements issued by this group include:
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), through the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) grant, provides funding to Education Development Center (EDC) to operate and manage the Secretariat for the Action Alliance, including the work of the Messaging Work Group (MWG).
Johnson & Johnson has been providing funding to support the MWG Portal since 2022.