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A collaborative suicide prevention approach for news and entertainment

An initiative of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention

We strive to provide updated data to news and entertainment media to help inform news coverage and script development. Please find below some important suicide statistics for news and entertainment industry representatives.

In an effort to keep the news and entertainment industry representative informed, the Action Alliance will continue to update this page with the latest data.

Suicide Data & Statistics

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. – and the 2nd leading cause of death among teenagers.

Every day, approximately 123 Americans die by suicide.

There is one suicide for every approximately 24 suicide attempts.

Please review the National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide. When depictions are done responsibly, the media can help to encourage help seeking, dispel myths, and reinforce hope – and ultimately save lives.

National Action Alliance
for Suicide Prevention

300 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2010
Waltham, MA 02451